Cathode-ray Tube (CRT) displays have widely been used in televisions and computers for long. The displays have several advantages like wide viewing angles, superior colour resolution and low manufacturing costs. But these displays also suffer from drawbacks like excessive weight and high power & voltage consumption. The configuration of CRTs requires television sets to be virtually as thick as they are wide. Hence the demand for flat panel televisions is increasing day-by-day.
Technologists have developed alternative flat panel display (FPD) technologies to overcome the inherent drawbacks of CRTs. Prominent FPDs include liquid colour display (LCD), plasma display panel (PDP), vacuum fluorescent display (VFD), and electroluminescent display (ELD). A flat panel television display includes a flat panel on which a matrix of cells is formed between two glass substrates. A PCB module drives the panel. There are two types of FPDs - volatile and static.
A LCD provides a richer and higher resolution of colours as compared to the conventional CRT displays. A LCD essentially comprises of two glass substrates that are separated to form a predetermined space into which a layer of liquid crystals is injected. Flat panel televisions are gaining popularity these days as they improve visibility and reduce glare due to reflection of external light.
A FPD is preferred to a conventional spherical panel as it provides higher resolution power. These panels have exceptional colour accuracy and can display up to 16.77 million colours. The FPDs are gaining popularity among the masses as they are light-weight, consume less power and provide relatively sharp resolution.
The flat panel televisions are being preferred by consumers as they reduce image distortion, minimize eye fatigue and provide a wide range of visibility. The FPDs are usually less than 4 inches thick. These displays feature uniform screen brightness which means that they evenly illuminate all pixels across the screen. These displays do not use electronic beams and hence are immune to the effects of magnetic fields. Modern gadgets like laptops, cellular phones and digital cameras come equipped with FPDs. Flat panel televisions have sparked a revolution in home entertainment these days.
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